Monday, January 10, 2011

One Of A Kind

The last few days have been very productive dyeing days.  I think the dyeing goddess was looking out for me.  I'm afraid to count the days until my next event, but I know it's coming at me like a runaway train. I'll take any help I can get.

Part of my dyeing time was spent on multicolored skeins.

These colorways, dyed in lots of two, are all one of a kind.

Since I don't intend to repeat these specific colorways, I kept very sketchy notes when dyeing them - something I never do.  I've learned the hard way that if I want to reproduce a colorway, I need to keep detailed notes.

Instead this project was a good exercise to test new color combinations, and I'm sure that I'll do it again. It was fun to play around and not worry about the details.  I felt like a kid with a new box of crayons.

I also spent time dyeing up new colors for Lucia.  These will be unveiled as soon as I have pictures taken.

I've made progress on Milkweed Shawl although it's hard to see.  I keep ticking off the rows, but somehow it doesn't seem to be much bigger.  I'm in that black hole phase where no matter how much knitting I do, it doesn't seem to make much difference.  But I have faith I'll get to the other side.  I'm beginning to see a glimmer of light at the end of the tunnel.

I leave you this Monday morning with a story of community knitting in action.  The town of Cardigan, Wales decided to knit a cardigan to celebrate the town's 900th anniversary.  The finished product is truly amazing and definitely one of a kind.  You can read all about it here.


Betsy said...

That green and dark red is gorgeous!

Wendy said...

I agree with Betsy... that skein looks amazing... what is the colorway called?

Stephanie/Dirty Water DyeWorks said...

The red is actually more of a purple shade. Since it won't be repeated, it's called Potluck 04.