Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Pete's Greens

I've been following a story and watching a groundswell of community support, generosity and activism.  Earlier this month the barn on a Vermont farm burned to the ground.  The farm, Pete's Greens, is an organic farm that offers a CSA (community supported agriculture). Given my involvement with food co-ops and CSAs that alone was enough for me to take note of the situation in Vermont.  The farm was underinsured and lost equipment, crops and a tractor trailer freezer full of meat.  You can read more about the fire here.

Enter Susan and Juniper Moon Farm.  In an effort to spread the word Susan wrote a blog post about Pete's Greens and the fire.  But that wasn't all.  Susan also set up a fund to accept donations to help rebuild the barn.  And she didn't stop there.  She is also holding a giveaway for people who make donations or who spread the word about the fundraiser.  Scroll down to the bottom of the blog post to see the list of prizes.  It's pretty impressive.  I've seen the knitting community do this before, and I'm sure I'll see it happen again. Knitters can be counted on to unite, rise to the occasion, reach out and help someone in need.  It is truly inspiring.  Go over to Susan's blog and read about the fire, the fundraiser and the giveaway.  Spread the word. Make a donation if you can.  

Now I'm off to tend the dye pots.  I'm trying to squeeze the most out of each and every minute of each and every day.  There's nothing like preparation for an event to make me use my time efficiently.

New yarn coming soon.

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