Wednesday, January 5, 2011

When To Say No

We live in a day and age where people often have crazy busy schedules.  And we add more to our schedules - juggle this here, run a little faster there.  But the hours of a day are finite.  Some days it's not possible to add one more thing to the daily to-do list.

In the last 24 hours I've had two friends say no to longstanding commitments. One friend hosts a weekly gathering in her home and needs to take a break.  Life has become overwhelming and something has to give.  Another friend has given up writing her blog to pursue other forms of writing and to spend time with her grandchildren.  There isn't enough time to do it all.  While I will miss attending the weekly get-together and reading the blog, I admire these two women for saying no.  I will remember them when the day comes and I have to say no to one more meeting, one more event, one more carpool.

On the needles . . . I've started one of several new booth samples.

Another shawlette.  I'm enjoying the soothing rhythm of the mostly garter rows.  I'm still at the point where the rows are zipping along, but that will shift with a few more increase rows.  More pictures and details to follow.

For knitters on the road . . . If you're traveling and find yourself faced with a knitting emergency, turn to Where's My Yarn for help.  You can search for yarn stores by state, keyword or address.  Very handy.

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