Friday, August 14, 2015

Lost and Found

A quick update on my Washington Square.

I don't know how much time I spent searching for the missing yarn, but in the end it paid off.  That's a good thing.  Time is precious, and I hate to come up empty-handed.  It was also reassuring to know I wasn't imagining the skein of extra yarn.

Once I found the yarn, I had a good excuse to put in some knitting time.

I think it took me longer to find the missing yarn than to work the last few rows and bind off.  Next up . . . button bands and a bit of finishing. It won't be long now.

This week's color inspiration . . . peaches.  So juicy, so sweet.  I bought two bushels of peaches, and we've been eating them in cobbler and sauce, with yogurt and just plain out of the box.  I think we're due for a peach pie.    

A lovely blend of yellow and red.


Jill L said...
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Jill L said...

Glad you found the yarn, hooray. Can't wait to see the finished project!