Friday, March 2, 2012

Rewarded With Pints

Between rearranging my office space and scaling mountains of paperwork I've had one of those weeks where I feel I've earned a reward - a knitting reward.  Instead of investing in cashmere or qiviut I started a new project.

Mittens With Pints On by SpillyJane.

I've had this project in my queue for quite some time.  I went around in circles with several color options and finally made some decisions.

I finished one round of pints.  It's only fitting that I was working on these pints into the wee hours, but I couldn't stop until the first round was complete.  I must say I've become a bit enamored of the cute little pints poured to perfection.  I'm looking forward to my second round.

This week a friend gifted me with a splash of color - my color inspiration for the week.

A harbinger of things to come.

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