Wednesday, May 20, 2020

Take Five

There are a lot of ups and downs with pandemic confinement.  Some days I'll be productive and other days I won't.  I've learned to be OK with that. 

My strategy is to make the most of the days when I have a lot of energy.  This morning was one of those days, and I got the dye pots going bright and early.

After that I settled in with a little cleaning.  It turns out my daily purpose was tackling the front hall.  It had become a dumping ground for everything from empty boxes to running shoes.  I recycled and organized and did a little dance with the vacuum cleaner.  While I was in the area, I even mopped the stairs.  How long will it take for someone in this house to notice the clean stairs?

I've also become much better at taking breaks.  Why not?  I'm not going anywhere.

The weather was lovely, so I went outside with my coffee and knitting.
I planned to take only five minutes, but I'm sure I was out there a little longer.  That's OK too.

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