Tuesday, October 27, 2015

Snapshots from KnitEast

This week Tuesday is my Monday.  Yesterday was a travel day, so today it's time for most of my usual Monday things. 

After being gone for several days, it's hard to know where to start. This morning I took one look at the kitchen and decided to tackle my desk. Apparently my family thinks that cleaning the dishes means piling them all in the sink and walking away.  There were grumblings about the dishwasher not working, so the problem is probably bigger than just a sink full of dirty dishes.  You can understand why my desk is the first order of business.

I spent the weekend at KnitEast in picturesque St. Andrews, New Brunswick.  This event was held at The Algonquin Resort - a place full of charm and history.  KnitEast offered classes, a market, a fashion show.  Some people took a full load of classes, others had more downtime for relaxing and knitting with friends.  

A beautiful setting complete with gorgeous fall weather . . . the perfect ingredients for a fiber getaway.   Here's a glimpse into my weekend.

Seeing my Canadian friends, connecting and chatting with other knitters . . . thanks for a lovely working getaway.

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