Monday, April 20, 2020


Today it's a holiday in Massachusetts.  On Marathon Monday I cut myself some slack and go easy on the workload.  That shouldn't be a problem in the midst of a pandemic with no marathon and a 
stay-at-home order in effect.  

Somehow my plans went awry.  Instead of a relaxing morning with my coffee and knitting, I got entangled in a shipping mess with UPS.  By the time I had sorted everything, it was mid-afternoon.

Now that the box is finally on it's merry way, I can turn my attention to knitting.  I'm ripping out a bind off.

I didn't like the method I was using and should have stopped sooner to access the situation.  This project has mohair, so now I'm tugging and pulling to separate the connected fibers.  It's a tedious process, but I know it'll be worth it in the long run.

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