Friday, April 24, 2020

Comfort Zone

My crazy pandemic routine - or lack of routine - has pushed me outside my comfort zone in more ways than one.  In an effort to stay productive, I've moved out of my usual cleaning comfort zone.  I've been checking the ceiling, the hard-to-each corners, the light fixtures, the top of door and window frames.  Is there any dust up there?  I think I see dust.  I better get the Swiffer just to make sure.

While I'm waving the Swiffer around, my daughter looks at me with a puzzled expression on her face and asks, "What have you done with my mother?"  Clearly I'm not the mother she's been used to for twenty odd years.  This is what happens after almost five weeks of a 
stay-at-home order.

Cleaning is all well and good, but you can get carried away with it and I was definitely headed in that direction.  I put the Swiffer down and got back to business.  Besides, I'd rather play with color combinations than wave the Swiffer around.

Casapinka just released Breathe and Hope to celebrate LYS Day.  LYS Day was originally scheduled for tomorrow but has been rescheduled for September.  The pattern was released now to show love and support for all the shops.

The shawl pattern takes two colors, so I've put together some Breathe and Hope Bundles.  While I was at it, I snagged one for myself.

These are strange and interesting times.  If I were picking colors for myself, this combo would definitely be outside my comfort zone.  Since so much it outside my comfort zone these days, I'm not giving it a second thought.

I captured this week's color inspiration on one of my daily walks.

Grays and greens.

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