Wednesday, October 19, 2016

It Hardly Feels Like Work

This year reentry after Rhinebeck has been extra tough.  I made it more challenging by scheduling meetings and appointments on Monday and Tuesday.  What was I thinking?  Not one of my better administrative decisions.  My inbox has been hit with a tornado of activity.  Thank you for all the questions and comments.  I'm working my way through each and every one of them.

So here it is Wednesday and I'm still dragging.  I'm not going to push myself, but I feel I should be productive on some level.  I did a quick tidy around the house with the help of my daughter, and both the dishwasher and the washing machine are running.  I've spent time researching a couple equipment upgrades, but I'm waiting for more information.

Now I can amuse myself with these.

Sorting through new yarn samples, considering possibilities . . . for today, this is productive.

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