Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Make This

It's the middle of a crazy, busy week - a week stacked with too many appointments, meetings and just plain running around.  I'm ignoring an irritated, scratchy throat on the verge of becoming a full blown sore throat.  I know I'm due to come down with something, but I've convinced myself that if I ignore it, it will go away.  At this point all I can do is hang on for the ride and stay focused on the weekend.  Truth be told my weekends are no different than my weekdays, but it's a psychological thing.  And so for today I have tidbits of . . . 


~  I love to see dogs wrapped in wool on cold winter mornings.  This design is cute, and the model is so well behaved.  An accessory that every dog should have.

~  I am often amazed and in awe of what some people feel inspired to knit.  Take this knitted timepiece.  It really tells time.  While I would love to have one hanging on my wall, I know I can't devote precious knitting time to making one.

~  And how about this car sock?  Notice the windows.  Even the wheels are covered.  This is the work of fiber artist Olek, and you can find more of her work here.

~  And finally, 'tis the season for candy corn.  Candy corn with eyes.  I might have to give this pattern a try - too cute to resist.

There's knitting progress to report, but that will have to wait until next time.  Instead I leave you with this.

Freshly brewed from the dye pots.

Shades of blue.

1 comment:

Laurie said...

Lovely blue yarn! Don't know about that dog hat, though. My border collie would be seriously miffed if I put something like that on him! LOL!