Tuesday, September 7, 2010

For A Good Cause

I have a new sock project - a project that has made me set aside all other socks in progress.  I ordered this sock kit when I first heard about it.  I anticipated its arrival.  When it was finally delivered, I couldn't wait to get started.

This is The "Egg-stra" Special Sock Kit by skacel.  Skacel had this sock designed to raise awareness of ovarian cancer and to raise money for ovarian cancer research.  The kit was designed to honor Susanne Skacel, a three year survivor of ovarian cancer.  Since this is a cause near and dear to my heart, I was more than happy to order the kit.

The leg of the sock is made up of three sections with different stitch patterns.  Each section is designed with special meaning.  I've just completed the first section - the circle with the cross.  This is the universal symbol for women and also represents the earth and the Roman goddess Venus.

The yarn is Trekking dyed in a special teal colorway, Susanne.  Teal represents ovarian cancer.  Timing is everything . . . September is Ovarian Cancer Awareness Month. 

This kit is available from WEBS and The Loopy Ewe.  All proceeds go to the Marsha Rivkin Center for Ovarian Cancer Research.  To learn more about ovarian cancer, check out the Ovarian Cancer National Alliance.

While I'm on the subject of socks . . . I often hear knitters moan and groan when it comes time to graft the toe with kitchener stitch.  They can't remember how to do it.  Or they get started, become confused and can't seem to get back on track.

For those who have issues with kitchener stitch, I suggest you look at this tutorial from Laura Nelkin.  Laura has clear, precise, step-by-step instructions along with pictures.  She's even included a mantra to help you be one with kitchener stitch.  Be sure to check out Laura's designs for ideas and inspiration.

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