Friday, July 31, 2020

Tech Time

This turned out to be a week full of technical issues.  From the website to promo materials, I've been glued to my computer for hours on end. The shopping cart is working again, and everything has been submitted to the printer.  I have my fingers crossed that nothing else goes awry.

Being chained to my desk has cut into my knitting time.  To add to my frustration, I realized that when I had a few minutes here and there, I didn't have a small project by my side.  There's nothing worse than being on hold for tech support with bad music playing in the background.  I usually take the edge off by knitting a few rounds, but none of my current projects are easy to pick up and put down.

I don't want to get caught on another tech call without appropriate knitting, so last night I wound this up for a small project.

More Pond Scum on the needles.

The pandemic rages on, and every week I look for a little nugget of normal.  This week it was blueberry picking.  Picking is by reservation only now, and I had been trying for over a week to get a slot.  I had almost given up when a slot popped up the other day.

The logistics in the field are very different now, and it's far from the normal we've enjoyed for many years at the farm.  I'm grateful they've been able to adapt and are still up and running.  A glimmer of hope.

This week's color inspiration . . . 

Bucket of blues.

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