Friday, July 26, 2024

Back to Stripes

For a couple weeks, I've been focused on a secret, deadline project.  The end is in sight, so today I took a little time to start something new.

The project I'm finishing is one color.  It's been fun, but it feels good to get back to stripes.  And I'll be able to slide right into this after I bind off the deadline project.

This week's color inspiration . . .

Big, billowy clouds.

Wednesday, July 24, 2024

Club Signups

I've updated the website, and Yarn Knot club signups are now open.

Our quarterly club features an exclusive colorway and a choice of several yarn bases.

Check the website for details.  Space is limited.

Monday, July 22, 2024

Time to Wind

These are crazy, chaotic times, and the last 24 hours have been very eventful and stressful.  Since my coping strategy includes a lot of knitting, I took a few moments this morning to line up a couple several new projects.

I've made some color choices, and now it's time to wind yarn.

Friday, July 19, 2024

Yellow Cheer

I have several new projects in various stages of planning and production.  Today I added to the mix.

This yarn has been waiting on the work table for a while, and now it's ready to go.

The hydrangeas have been stunning this year, and they are this week's color inspiration.

Shades of purple.

Monday, July 15, 2024

Hunting for Needles

I was excited to start a new project today.  The yarn was wound and ready.  All I needed was the needles.

I had been debating colors for a couple days and had finally settled on something.  I have more than one set of most needles sizes, so grabbing the needles should have been the easy part.

Nothing was going to come easy today.  After hunting for an incredibly long time (no, I wasn't about to give up), I finally found the size I was looking for.

Now that my needles are sorted, I can get started.  Cheers to easier days ahead!

Wednesday, July 10, 2024

Hot Spots

Since I'm not traveling this summer, it's tempting to spend my days knitting.  Instead I'm making the most of my time at home.  Every week I tackle a couple hot spots around the house - a closet here, a bookshelf there.  After the work is done, I can pick up my needles.   

So far I've managed to be pretty productive in spite of the oppressive heat we're experiencing.

Monday, July 8, 2024

Up and Running

I'm back in the swing of things after a lazy holiday break. Because of the heat, I'm working with an abbreviated dye schedule.  When it's too hot to dye, I work on samples.

I picked up this cowl today.  I frogged several rounds a while ago, and now the project is up and running again.

Happy Monday!