Monday, July 13, 2020

Monday Challenges

I should have known today was going to be a problem when the dog started barking at 5:00 in the morning.  I had to get up and see what all the fuss was about.  Nothing, apparently.  I eventually fell back to sleep only to have the phone ring.  It turns out my morning has been rearranged a couple times already.  Take a deep breath and keep moving.

Over the weekend I puttered around dyeing colors to match a new bundle in the works.  Good lighting makes all the difference, and this morning one of them looked different in the light of day.  Just dye another sample, my daughter advised.  So I did.

I do have real progress to show with one project.

The fronts of my Toetoe have been joined to the back.  Now it's easy back and forth.  I just have to make sure I follow the correct chart for each side.  With everything else that's going on, that seems manageable.

I'm off to tackle the afternoon.  With a little more coffee, I'm up for the challenge.

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