Monday, July 27, 2020

Coloring for Fun

We're in an oppressive heat wave, and my days have been starting early.  Dyeing is a hot job, and it generates a lot of excess heat.  To accommodate the brutal weather, I'm operating with a modified dye schedule.  This keeps production moving along at a limited capacity.  

Since I tend to the dye pots first thing in the morning, I can spend the afternoon with this.

I've settled on my bundle for The Sharon Show MKAL which starts on August 7.  Before things get rolling, there's a little pre-clue in the form of a worksheet.  Using the worksheet, I can experiment with different options for color placement.

It turns out coloring can be a fun exercise.  There's no right and wrong, and there's no pressure to stay inside the lines.  I think I enjoy it more as an adult than I did as a kid.

1 comment:

Michele in Maine said...

I love this combination!!