Friday, December 31, 2021

Looking for Bright Spots

The holidays can be challenging and even more so during a pandemic.  It can be hard to find the bright spots.  Sometimes half the battle is attitude, and I'm determined to go into the new year on a cheery note.

My family is healthy.  Everyone is leading a productive life in spite of pandemic disruptions.  Our lives are messy and far from perfect, but we're making it work.  We've made adjustments along the way and are forging ahead.  This is one of my bright spots.

Today I'm plotting and planning several new projects, and there's potential for a few bright spots.

I've been holding a fierce case of startitis at bay.  With the hustle and bustle of the holidays behind us, the floodgates are open.  Browsing on Ravelry, winding yarn, swatching . . . I love every step of the process.

Cheers to a new year!  May you find peace and plenty of bright spots along the way.


stephanie48 said...

Wishing the same to you Stephanie.

Michele in Maine said...

Happy winding and planning! I have at least 4 projects beside me on the couch, plus two more in the wings.

Happy New Year and hope to see you soon!