Wednesday, July 19, 2023

Starting Fresh

A valuable skill for knitters is realizing when a project just isn't working.  It could be the yarn or the color or the pattern.  Or a combination of all three.

The trick is learning to recognize early on that you're headed down the wrong path.  If you have an inkling that the project isn't working, don't knit for two more nights with the hope that it will get better.  Chances are it won't.

I started a new shawl project the other day and had knit on it for a bit.  Probably about six inches worth.  I wasn't smitten with the project, but I didn't despise it either.  I was feeling very ambivalent, and that's a bad place to be.

Knitters always assess projects.  It's easy to keep knitting if the project is fun.  It's a no-brainer to rip it out if you can't stand it.  It's the in-between space that makes it easy to convince yourself that a few more rows or another night of knitting will make all the difference.

I made a decision to call a halt to this project.  Knitting time is precious, and I have a lot of projects on my plate. I don't have time to waste on a project that's going to be a slog.

I feel relieved and excited to start a different project. Maybe I'll use this yarn or maybe I'll opt for a different color.  It doesn't matter.  I'm starting fresh.

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