Friday, February 15, 2019


When my day goes sideways and all dyeing grinds to a halt, I can still be productive. 

Yesterday was one of those days, so I transitioned to knitting instead.
I'm using a mini gradient bundle, and I worked my way into the third skein.  

This is Aeque.  Some of you may remember that I've knit this one before.  Check it out if you have a gradient and you're looking for ideas.  The instructions include a clever way to transition from one color to the next.  

Today the dye pots are on, and I'm knitting a few rows here and there.
I'm almost ready for the fourth color, and I can't stop.

This week's color inspiration . . . 

Shades of winter.

1 comment:

Karen said...

A beautiful use for that gradient. Reminds me of the sky.