Friday, March 11, 2022

Searching for Resolution

The other day I fell down that bottomless pit of yarn, colors and patterns known as Ravelry.  You know what it's like.  Playing with different color combinations while scrolling through pages and pages of patterns only to get lost in an endless swirl of possibilities and open browser tabs.

I kept telling myself I really needed to crawl out of the pit and move on to more pressing work . . . after I looked up one more pattern.  And that, of course, led to other patterns or a different designer or a new combination of search terms and filters.

When all was said and done, I was fixated on this color combination, but the pattern I had in mind wasn't going to work.  So this afternoon I went back to the pit and searched some more.  I'm happy to say I now have a short list of pattern options.  If I can't make a decision, I might just flip a coin this evening to bring about some resolution.

The stress of the world situation still weighs heavy, and for that there is no easy resolution.  May we all capture a few moments of peace and tranquility this weekend.

This morning I picked up some daffodils when I was running errands.  At the time they were tiny, tight clusters without much color, but in a few short hours they had opened up.  Just in time to be this week's color inspiration.

Yellow hope and cheer.

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