Wednesday, February 9, 2022

Morning Routine

I've switched up my mornings during the Olympics.  I get up early and start the dye pots.  Then I settle in with my knitting and a little curling.

I enjoy curling, so I've altered my normal routine to accommodate the curling schedule.  It's just for a few days.  Plus it's kind of nice to start the day with some knitting time.

I'm not working on a special project for the Olympic games, but this sweater has turned into a game of its own.

There are just a few more rounds to go, and I know I have enough mohair.  The other yarn . . . I'm not so sure.  I'm anxious to see who wins this game of yarn chicken.

1 comment:

Alissa said...

I also enjoy watching curling. I look forward to seeing your completed knit!