Wednesday, March 29, 2023

On the Fly

I'm having a bit of a week.  The other day I commented that I had a short work week. Thank goodness it's short. Little did I know it would be a week filled with glitches.  I should have had an inkling things were going sideways when I had some computer issues over the weekend. That was only the beginning.

Yesterday my truck ended up in the shop, and today some dye equipment conked out.  All of these situations can be remedied, but it means my work plan for the week is out the window and I'm sorting things out on the fly.

I finally sat down at my desk this afternoon.  I'm recharging with coffee and this.

The tax paperwork is at the top of the heap.  Before I crunch any numbers, I'm knitting a couple rows.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Oh dear, so sorry for all the hassles! Get better quick, red truck! DWD needs you! Sending positive mojo☺️