Friday, November 18, 2022

A Yarn Emergency

Yesterday my daughter, Estrella, had the bright idea for a last-minute knitting project that required hot pink yarn. Since I didn't have any hot pink yarn ready and waiting, I scrambled to dye some.

Today the yarn is ready.  Estrella said she'll do the knitting, but time is tight.  Since she needs this early Sunday morning, I'll cast on and get her started.  I have a feeling I'll be doing most of the knitting.

The leaves are off the trees, but I'm savoring the fall foliage colors one more time for this week's color inspiration.

Rhinebeck cheer.


stephanie48 said...

Hope it is an easy project.

Karen said...

Well, that is a yarn emergency. Good thing she has the inside track to a yarn EMT!

Michele in Maine said...

That should make her easier to spot! Good luck to both of you!