Monday, June 28, 2021

A Change of Heart

This was one of those weekends where I had a lot of knitting time.  Sorting colors for new samples, casting on a few projects, knitting without interruption (except for the dog).

This is my second attempt with this project.

Much to my surprise, I decided to switch colors.  Not a problem.  There were plenty of other colors to choose from, and I hadn't knit that much before I had a change of heart.  All I lost was a little time.

There are record high temps in so many places right now.  Keep cool if you're in one of the hot zones and drink plenty of water.  Knit a few rows if your stitches aren't sticky.  Remember fall is coming.


stephanie48 said...

Great fall color.

Anonymous said...

I recognize that color! Made a sweater with your heavier weight wool with it! Love the color, and it really knitted up a beautiful Mork.