Wednesday, April 1, 2020

Down the Ravelry Hole

I finished a couple more projects (pictures coming another day), and now I have a full blown case of startitis.  This morning, with another loosely structured day before me, I settled in with a cup of coffee, a simple hat and Ravelry.

I came up for air just long enough to make lunch and check in with the family.  Then it was back to my project list and endless possibilities.  

I do need to accomplish a couple things today.  I've stepped away from Ravelry, but now the ideas are swirling.  It's harder to make decisions in these challenging times, but I'm determined to settle on a couple new projects.  Distraction is necessary for survival, and knitting is my preferred form of distraction.

Last Saturday I hosted Knitting Hangout.  It was great fun to chat about knitting, so I'm doing it again this Saturday, April 4.

The hours are 2:00 - 4:00 Eastern.  If you want to get in on the discussion, send an email to  I'll forward the link.  If you participated last week, you'll automatically get the link for this week.

Bring your knitting and check it out!

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