Friday, September 22, 2017

Ready and Waiting

I have plenty of projects in the works right now and shouldn't consider adding to the mix.  If I were really serious about that, I wouldn't go near Ravelry.  But of course I do pop in now and then to browse.

Lately I've been pretty good at managing the project chaos.  My strategy is I can add to the queue, but I can't drop everything and cast on with reckless abandon.  That plan was working well until the other day when I stumbled across Specklate.

I have a new Lillian Sprinkles I'm anxious to try plus proceeds of pattern sales go to hurricane relief.  It seemed like the perfect match. The pattern hasn't even been released yet.  What could be the harm in just winding the yarn?  Now I have to wait.

This week's color inspiration is a glimpse into the changing season.

From green to red.

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