Wednesday, August 30, 2017

A Helping Hand

Today's topic is helping others.

It seems that every day there's a new tragedy or a new cause that needs assistance.  It can be overwhelming, and sometimes it's hard to know the best way to help.  Like many of you, I've been watching the devastation unfold in Houston.  The stories are heartbreaking.  I can't begin to imagine what those people are going through, and they have a long road ahead.

Knitters are generous and often find a way to respond to events like this.  Designer Elizabeth Elliott is donating 100% of her pattern sales through Saturday to Harvey relief efforts.  You can read about it on her blog and browse her Ravelry shop.

Since I'm on the subject of helping others, Corrine Walcher is a knitting designer in need.

Those of us who have dealt with a terminal illness understand the financial strain in addition to the physical and emotional stress.  You'll find Corrine's designs here.

Every little bit helps.  Today I'm doing my part while hoping for a better tomorrow.

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