Friday, June 20, 2014

Knitting Rerun

I've been knitting along on my latest sock project in between a couple sleeves and a shawl or two.  This strategy means I'm making steady progress on several projects, but nothing is close to being finished.  That's the price I pay for bouncing back and forth.

This morning, before I'd managed even a sip of coffee, it suddenly dawned on me that the sock was a knitting rerun.  The stitch pattern for the sock is the same one that was used in a cowl I made this winter.  

For those who are curious, it's New Canaan.  I'm even using similar colors.  I don't know why it took me so long to put two and two together.  I'm even more amazed I made this connection without one drop of caffeine.  Earlier this spring I had a thing for 3 x 1 ribbing.  Now this.  It makes me wonder what's next.

I've always appreciated peace and quiet in the morning, but I've had to make some adjustments.  My son now has a morning ritual of making a smoothie, and I've slowly gotten used to the whir of the blender.  I try to encourage self-sufficiency in the kitchen, so I don't say anything about the noise.  

He's always experimenting with different fruit combinations.  This one caught my eye and is my color inspiration for the week.


A quick update on my post from the other day about The Joining Project and the Mass Ave Bridge.  WBUR, one of our local NPR stations, did a story on it this morning.  You can listen to it here.

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