Wednesday, July 3, 2024

Knit On

A dumpster fire continues to rage in this country and abroad.  Like many of you, I'm trying to make a difference in my small corner of the world.

And I'm coping as best I can with a lot of knitting.  Yes, that means I need to start some new projects.

Be hopeful and keep knitting . . .

Monday, July 1, 2024


I'm trying to come up with a work schedule for the week, but the Thursday holiday is throwing a wrench in the mix. While I ponder details for the week ahead, here's a reminder to never leave your yarn unattended when there's a puppy around.

I know Shimmer is one of Hank's favorite yarns, and I thought this skein was out of reach when I left the room for a minute.  I was wrong.  Instead of knitting, I spent my time sorting out this mess.

Back to work . . .