Friday, June 28, 2024

Chaos and Challenges

I've had a chaotic week.  From FedEx problems to internet issues to knitting messes . . . every day presented a new set of challenges.

All the fires are out.  For now.

Thank goodness the weekend is here.  I'm ready for a little peace and quiet so I can catch up on my knitting.

This week's color inspiration . . .

Summer cheer.

Friday, June 21, 2024

Deadlines and Heat

It's been a while since my last post.  I didn't plan it that way, but pressing deadlines and then extreme heat got in the way of my normal routine.  I'm back on track . . . for the moment at least.

Since I last checked in, I made stops in Maine and on the Cape.  It was fun and inspiring to connect with so many knitters.  I finished a couple samples, and they're on tour visiting shops.  Time was tight, and I didn't get any photos before they left.  The photoshoot will have to wait until I get them back.

I have several new sample ideas percolating, but I'm starting with something small.  See above reference to extreme heat.

Holzinger Cowl (Ravelry link) kept me entertained this week.  Simple ribbing with easy cables for a bit of interest.

I love murals, and I'm always on the lookout.  This one caught my attention earlier this spring, and it reminds me of the farmers' market.  This week's color inspiration . . .

Growing season.