Friday, January 14, 2022

The Balance Tightrope

The year is still very young, but already I see a theme emerging.  My biggest ongoing challenge is balance.  Balance in dealing with the pandemic and work.  Balance between work and my family.  Balance in taking care of my own needs.  The list goes on and on.  I'm sure many of you can relate.

This far into the pandemic, it seems we have to live with COVID, but it's been a tough week walking that balance tightrope.  When things are out of my control, it's time to regroup and come up with a new plan.  

As we wrap up the week, I have a couple knitting updates to share.

When your project isn't going quite right, don't plow ahead.  Stop and take a minute to assess the situation.  If there's a problem, it won't be fixed by knitting a few more rounds.  Go ahead and rip it out.

Last night I came to the realization that this little project wasn't going to work.  This morning I ripped it out.  I didn't invest more knitting time, and now I'm free to start over.

On the other hand, this project is moving right along.

Thank goodness for knitting.  This sweet colorwork cowl has been a fun distraction.  See above reference to walking the balance tightrope.  I hope all of you are finding your own balance.

Continuing my calendar update from the other day, SPA 2022 has been cancelled.  It was scheduled for the last weekend in February, and now there will be a virtual version instead.  Stay tuned for details.

I'm savoring winter weather with this week's color inspiration.

Frosty flakes piling up.

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