Wednesday, October 26, 2016

Random on Wednesday

These days I'm bouncing back and forth between dyeing and knitting. Yes, I'm in the midst of more show prep.  Fiber Festival of New England is headed for me like a runaway train.  I'll probably never be totally caught up (whatever that means), but on some level everything is manageable, and I pull it all together at the end.

So today I'm a bit unfocused (see below for further explanation), but I have a few observations.

~ I've developed a really bad habit of staying up way too late.

~ I've justified this bad habit because I'm knitting and there's a show right around the corner and I need to get things done.

~ This bad habit has produced noticeable progress on my Black to the Fuchsia . . . two more gradient sections and then I'm done.

~ This bad habit has also produced a lot of ends to weave in.

~ Maybe I should start weaving them in now . . . before I have to stay up late just to weave them in.

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