Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Scurry, Scurry

Winter is my time for catching up, plotting and planning.  There are the fun tasks - testing new yarn bases, dyeing new colorways, knitting new samples.  And there are the not-much-fun tasks - sorting paperwork, scheduling, updating the website.

It's the middle of February, and I'm scurrying to catch up on my winter tasks.  Now that my winter shows are finished, I can settle down and concentrate on all of the above.  My system for getting everything done involves balancing the fun with the not-much-fun.  I'll work on the website or attack a pile of papers and follow it up with dyeing experiments or knitting time.

The other day I updated the website with a new page - Special Skeins.

This section has a rotating collection of one-of-a-kind and limited run colorways.  The current listing includes colorways from the SPA Knit and Spin weekend.  I'll be posting regular updates, so check back often.

To balance the website update . . . knitting time.

The cowl keeps growing.  In case you're wondering, it's Dovetail. Different combinations of knit and purl create a textured pattern.  I'm easily entertained.

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