Monday, July 2, 2012


I'm always knitting in public, and sometimes it leads to interesting conversations.  Over the weekend I was knitting in a convention center.  The place was packed with people.  I had time to kill so I found a comfy chair and pulled out my knitting.  It wasn't long before a woman and a couple of kids settled into the chairs nearby. The woman noticed my knitting - what was I making etc.  She was a quilter, so we discussed that for a bit.  

In our discussion the woman commented that you really don't see people knitting any more.  Her remark took me by surprise.  Was she serious?  Didn't she know about sheep and wool festivals, Sock Summit, Ravelry.  What about knitting conventions and retreats, the proliferation of knitting designs, books and classes.  With all the yarn bombing and knitting in public how could she have missed the recent explosion in knitting.  I was about to say, "You're kidding, right?"   But then I realized that she was serious, and I bit my tongue.  We moved on to chat about other topics.

Later when I was mulling over our conversation, I thought maybe I don't get out enough.  Or maybe I don't get out amongst non-knitters enough.  I go to numerous knitting and fiber-related events.  Many of my closest friends are knitters.  In my world knitters are everywhere, but in the world at large we're still a small slice of the pie.  Knitting in public can put things in perspective.

My convention center knitting was quite productive.

I was working on Alys, a top down sweater with a bit of cable trim.  It may not look like much, but again it's all about perspective. I finished the cozy, cable trim and moved on to the stockinette section. I'm settling in with this project.  I have miles and miles of stockinette ahead.

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